I am a PhD in Computer Science with a background in Electronics Engineering.

I am currently looking for a job! ... voilà my CV, both the academic (with a list of publications) and 1-page versions.

Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a supervised machine learning algorithm used in classification tasks where a target variable $y$ may take $K$ possible values, and we are interested in labeling an observation $\mathbf{x}$ composed of $N$ features/predictors. In particular, logistic regression is used in binary classification tasks, i.e., cases where $K=2$. However,... [Read More]

Linear and Polynomial Regression

Linear and polynomial regression are supervised machine learning algorithms used, as their names indicate, to perform regression tasks, i.e., to estimate the values of a continuous response/target variable $y$. [Read More]

Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition

As human beings, we like understanding what surrounds us, either for the simple sake of knowing or because this gives us predictability. In that sense, in many situations it arrives that we have a problem that we want to model, e.g., from a phenomenon that depends only on basic physics... [Read More]

Finally a PhD, no longer a candidate!

I am glad to tell you that I finished my PhD with a defense that went great a couple of days ago, I am very happy :) I was lucky and my presentation got recorded, thus I want to share it with you! I hope you enjoy it! [Read More]